A review by leahkarge
Born of Fire: The League: Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon


The second book in The League Series and the best by far. I loved finally learning about Syn's past. And, while I was thoroughly pissed at Shahara throughout some of the novel, I definitely love her. But, I have to say, I was extremely pissed at Caillen when he said all those horrible things about Syn. Nykyrian'a cameo in the end was very exciting for me, considering that he wasn't in the rest of the book at all, but that's understandable since Syn and Shahara were on the run and looking for the chip and he was with Kiara. I will admit that I almost cried when Shahara "betrayed" Syn the second time and when she was talking to his mother. I was very satisfied, though, when she punched Syn's bitch ex-wife and bitched her out (yes, I giggled). And, I almost cried tears of joy when I was reading the Epilogue and Shahara told Syn that they were going to have a baby! Eek! Anyway, overall, it was a completely fantastic book and I am sad to have finished it. I wanna read it over and over (yeah, it's that good). I'm about to start Born of Ice; hopefully it will be just as good...