A review by tprineas
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


I wasn't all that invested until page 450. When I finally hintit that, after a week and a half of slow going, I burned through the last 250 pages-- and this illustrates one of the two problems I had; It took forEVER to be investing. I mean, his family is murdered and it's like, "oh nooo, we haven't seen that happen a thousand times before!" and then he enters the magic school-- "cool, we've haven't seen this before! What's Harry Potter, anyways?"

I mentioned that I have two problems. The other one is, well, I can argue with myself about it. TNotW was very sexist, but... wasn't it just being true to the era that it reflects? My argument to that is that it's a fantasy world and Rothfuss could have totally taken it out and the book would be easier to accept. It's the 21st century for heaven's sake!

I may not have liked the magic school, but I did like the magic, because unlike so much fantasy, In TNotW, magic isn't a huge plot point; rather it is a stepping stone to other things. Yeah. That was good.

I also enjoyed the world building (besides the magic). The whole thing with the Fae and the demons and the songs. Gives me a sense of old age about the world.