A review by almondcookies
Dear Reader: The Comfort and Joy of Books by Cathy Rentzenbrink


The first quarter of this book is very slow, but overall, Cathy Rentzenbrink does a wonderful job of telling us the story of how books have been her rock throughout all the ups and downs of her life.

There are so many wonderful points made in this book: how certain books are considered "high brow" or "low brow" (and how it's all nonsense), why fiction is just as important as non fiction, and how books can save you in those dark hours. Cathy beautifully articulates what it means to be a reader, how books can expand our lives, and the different roles they played during different times throughout hers.

I highly recommend this to all readers (if you're on this website, I suppose that means literally everyone reading this review). Not only will you be able to relate to Cathy's feelings, you'll also be adding a long list of her recommended books to your tbr.

Every book holds a memory. When you hold a book in your hands, you access not only the contents of that book, but the fragments of the previous selves that you were when you read it.

Bookclub buddy read with Emma and dear god am I excited for this one!!!