A review by lilyantan
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern


I picked this book up at random from the bookstore. It was one of the staff picks and I didn't pay much attention to the author. Only after I paid did I realise it's written by Erin Morgenstern, author of [b:The Night Circus|9361589|The Night Circus|Erin Morgenstern|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1387124618l/9361589._SY75_.jpg|14245059]. I was not happy. I didn't hate the Night Circus but I found it really mediocre and a bit boring. So it was with a lot of doubt that I started reading The Starless Sea.

At first, it sounded a lot like [b:The Ten Thousand Doors of January|43521657|The Ten Thousand Doors of January|Alix E. Harrow|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548174710l/43521657._SY75_.jpg|63516505]. Doors that lead to other worlds, an organization that's shutting them down and a book that ties the stories together... sound familiar? Uh, was this a "who can write it better" contest. It's very confusing as both books came out almost at the same time. Anyway, that didn't help the books case, I didn't like Ten Thousand Doors much either and thought ugh, not only am I not a fan of this author but this is a rehash of another story, great.

However, as I read on, I forgot all about January and her stupid doors. This book is so much more it's multiple interwoven and timeless stories filled with adventure , drama and eternal love. It's kick ass characters and beautiful prose. It's a time machine that transports you to another world you get totally lost in. Simply, I love this book.