A review by manadabomb
The King's Witch by Tracy Borman


I picked this up on Netgalley but just FINALLY got time to read it while traveling for work. I was completely engrossed in it and it was my main diversion on 4 flights this past week. Lucky for you, I procrastinated so long this book is already out for you to buy!

I do love historical fiction and this didn't disappoint. We're focused on King James VI and his reign. He was obsessed with witch hunts and that is one of the primary focuses of this book. Frances Gorges (whom I'm not sure is real) is the center of this book and is the witch in question. I didn't give anything away there, you'll notice immediately why she is targeted as a witch.

Frances is from a notable family, in service to the previous Queen. But once King James comes swirling in, the Gorges are relegated to the outskirts of the Court. King James hates witches and Catholics and uses his authority to hunt down both. I would hate living in this time. Not only is a death sentence a gruesome affair but it's a spectator sport as well. So weird.

Frances is forced to Court to be the Lady of the Bedchamber to the little princess Elizabeth. Frances' uncle wants the family in good standing and pulled strings to get Frances there and in a good position. Unfortunately for him, Frances uses her healing skills to help aid Queen Anne and falls under the suspicion of Lord Privy Seal Cecil, who is in charge of the witch hunts.

Things started tumbling down for Frances and for everyone under King James' rule. This is a seriously screwed up reign and even the Queen is looking for a way out.

Totally engrossing book. I do have to say that everyone "inclines" their head all the time. All. The. Time. I get that may be how royalty acknowledges people, with an incline of the head, but goodness.

Regardless of the inclines, I'll be reading more of this author.