A review by bookofcinz
Windward Family: An atlas of love, loss and belonging by Alexis Keir


A brilliant memoir that highlights Alexis’s life and the life of some Vincentians who left the island willingly and unwillingly to go to the UK. A great read for anyone who loves history and memoirs

Alexis Keir goes deep in his exploration of where home is and what we are rooted to. He tells us the story of his family, how they left St. Vincent and the Grenadines for a better life. So did a lot of Vincentians who ended up in the UK. He explored how and why they left and under what circumstances they decided to stay. The book is set in St. Vincent, USA, UK and New Zealand, as the author tries to find his place in the world.

I think what I enjoyed a lot about this book is how personal it was but also very much intertwined with history. I generally don’t read a lot of memoirs from St. Vincent and I loved how much I learned. This is a great read for anyone who loves memoirs and history.