A review by kippersandjam
Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates


#1 Revolutionary Road - Yates

This is my number one of my 50 book challenge for 2011, and I hope that this started book reflects the rest of my choices. I’d never read any Yates before, and I’m really pleased I gave this book the time of day. As a some-what synic about relationships, love and ever-happy endings, this novel was perfect for me (and was the basis for my recommendation!). Yates depicts the not-so-wholesome life of a married couple, the Wheelers, and their problems that they encounter throughout marriage. There’s love, love-loss, affairs, tragedy, sex, whiskey and a jazz bar I’d love to visit. Plus, a rather massive twist.

I really enjoyed this book, and I’m pleased it wasn’t a rose-tinted depiction of a some highly functional suburban Americans. I found myself wanting to see what happened; would they end up making one of the biggest decisions of their lives? how would it happen? what could possible happen next? At each turn, I just wasn’t sure where Yates was going to take me. I would whole-heartedly reccomend this book to anyone and everyone - especially those who don’t want something too happy, too muchy, too perfect. My only problem with this book was, however, it’s lack of direction on the long-term. Upon reflection, I don’t feel that much happened. Still, it’s exceptional.