A review by helpfulsnowman
A Kidnapped Santa Claus by Alex Robinson


Fun, and strongly prefer this to the suggested Little Match Girl.

Who the hell came up with that shit? Why are so many Christmas stories about a little girl dying in the streets, or a little boy buying shoes so his mom can die?

I'm going to write the ultimate Christmas story. Sack of puppies in the creek. A little boy is tasked with drowning them, and he names them after Santa's reindeer, and as they struggle while the sack sinks, the boy is encouraging them to go towards the light. "On Dasher, On Dancer!"

Waitaminute...I guess the whole day is sort of based around a guy who died a gruesome death. So not my cup of cocoa with a candy cane sticking out of it, but I suppose I can't argue people are deviating from the true meaning of Christmas...