A review by alyssaindira
The Matchmaker's List by Sonya Lalli


**No spoilers were harmed in the making of this review**

"If you respect yourself, your own choices, isnt that what matters?"

Hey guys, so I finally finished the Matchmaker's List by Sonya Lalli. Whew...this book, this book was a whirlwind. At first it may not seem like it, it just seems like a modern, contemporary, cultural, romance-ish story of a girl struggling to find herself and where she belongs...but holy crap. The journey to finding her self and what makes her happy, is a rollercoaster of DRAMA. Okay, so first, the writing in this book is really easy to read. Not too descriptive, but just enough to be immersed in the story. It was easy and swift enough to be able to just skim through the pages and still absorb all the freaking drama. SOyeah, I enjoyed the writing. Uniquely, it also had chapters that alternated between past and present events. Which were intriguing and helped add more vibrancy and layers to the story. Additionally, although some of the chapters are chalked full with information andyoumight to think about it, do not. Just keep plowing on. Now...onto the story. Oh my goodness..the story. It starts with a good natured grandmother just wanting the best for her granddaughter. A good life. Which includes a husband. AN indian husband. SO her granddaugher could be a good little indian wife who cooks for her husband and raises his children and thats about it. But, Raina does not want that. She doesnt want to be only that. SHe wants more. SHe wants to carve her own path in life. She wants to not be defined by everyone else. She just wants to be herself. She just struggles on how to express that. So..her grandmother tries to set her up with many indian boys. The pressure is outstanding...because her family has already been through scandals, so raina tries to go along with it. but she just...cant. She just isnt 'indian'. I like how this book tackles the big topics of what it means to find yourself, lose yourself, and your way, and be shattered and do the shattering of another, but most of all...it highlights what one can do to put themselves back together, to pick up the pieces. EIther on their own, or with friends. It really highlights what things should be priorities in life. Healthy relationships, right love, and passion. Everyone is searching for their passion. It is arguable that one is not really living life, until they find something, or someone to live for. This book hit a bit hard for me, because one of the past relationships Raina is still dealing with later is similar to a situation I am in. I wont go into detail cause it might be spoiler, but I think Raina is strong, and brave, and courage, and beautiful. Despite all her mistakes on her path to finding herself, all the drama she caused (which makes for a VERY entertaining read), she just wants what most of us want...a place to feel at home and belong. So she kinda screwed up and messed up her life trying to find that? Dont we all at some point? But it does not matter how hard we fall...just how we rise back up. I really admire Raina, because technicallyy, she could of been me in another life. And I really appreciated her character. And I hope she finds happiness. I also liked the side characters, Zoey, Asher, Nani, Shay, Depo, they all deserve a shoutout. It was truly a deep, impactful yet entertaiing read about the rollercoaster that is the clash that is between traditional and modern cultural takes on...everything in life. I highly suggest this book if you are struggling to find where you fit into this crazy, messy world. And to remember who you want to be and who you strive to be. Okay, now I am done rambling. Remember, this is all my opinion. If you want your own, read the book. Till next time. Bye.