A review by lazygal
You Killed Wesley Payne by Sean Beaudoin


This is one of those books that I'm sure that my age is preventing me from appreciating. The pop cultural references, the ironic noir tone and the clicquier-than-thou school just didn't do it for me.

Dalton's career as a private dick means he transfers into and out of schools regularly (neither of his parents seem to do much in the way of what we now call parenting); Salt River is the latest. Everything there costs - even the nurse has a credit card machine. The mystery of who killed Wesley Payne doesn't get solved satisfactorily, but eventually it does get solved after many crosses and double-crosses and the unpeeling of high school layers.

The clique chart at the start of the book and the glossary at the end were supposed to be both helpful and humorous; I just found them too intricate and too belabored. Teen readers may find they appreciate this more.

ARC provided by publisher.