A review by theboldbookworm
The Hidden by Melanie Golding


Thank you to Crooked Lane Books for providing me with an advanced reader's copy of this book.

I wanted to read this book after loving Little Darlings so much, and this one didn't disappoint. I love the way Golding weaves folklore into her stories. This book is emotional and I really felt for the characters. We have Ruby who has been watching her neighbor and one day finds out about his secret family. Gregor the neighbor is an odd character and there's something a bit off about him, there is also something a bit off about his wife Constance, their little girl is absolutely adorable. There may be something dark hiding under the surface, but Ruby doesn't know what yet.

This book is a lot of fo things. It's a family drama, a thriller, and a police procedural. There are many layers to the story and they get slowly peeled back as it progresses. I loved the part about selkies which adds another layer to the already amazing story. This book made me angry and sad at times and that totally worked. I was very invested in finding out what happened to these characters and read this one in only a couple of sittings.

If you love emotional thrillers and folklore I highly recommend this book.