A review by jdauer5
The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why by Phyllis A. Tickle


Almost 15 years after it was published, this book has much to offer about what and how Christianity is becoming around the world but especially in North America.

I can see how this book has informed the PCUSA's 1001 New Worshiping Community movement as well as many of the more recent line of thought amongst seminary scholars.

She writes that the emergent church is incarnational and finds authority in "network theory"/crowd-sourcing/no one has all the answers but we find Truth together in conversation and community. In this, truth can only be found through total egalitarianism, denying capitalism and individualism.

In the final pages of her book, Tickle writes, "The Great Emergence... will rewrite Christian theology—and thereby North American culture—into something far more Jewish, more paradoxical, more narrative, and more mystical than anything the Church has had for the last seventeen or eighteen hundred years." Amen.