A review by dumblydore
The Kiss by Sophia Nash


A sweet story. Very heavy on the angst though; in fact, I'd say nearly two thirds of the narrative is pure angst-ridden misunderstandings. How much time and paper could have been saved if one of these characters had an inch of sense in them to set things straight? Thrown in also are some rather vile characters, although I'm sure they don't mean to be vile, bless their barely bereaved hearts.

It probably would have benefited the story to have some sort of flashback chapter/s because I was pretty confused at certain points, like why Quinn had a grudge against Anthony, or how Georgiana's leg got the way it was. Much of it was explained in greater detail towards the end, which sort of defeats the point.

Overall, I was interested enough to manage finishing the book which is more than I can say for others...