A review by yodamom
Cruelty: Episode One by Edward Lorn


I won this on one of the giveaways on Booklikes. I love audiobooks and this one did not disappoint. So far I'm not a fan of serial books which this one is, but hey I gave it a try. When I started it I was a bit disappointed the narration sounded robotic, with out any feeling into the words. That changed quickly as the emotions grew more intense so did the narrator, it was very well done. I felt the horror of these people as they met with Cruelty. Oh and Cruelty what a nasty evil he is, shutter worthy. The author is evil, he fit in just about every phobia in to the story. Remember the killer dolls from Twilight Zone, the running from a hour on the road in Christine ? Well if you do the terror may be worse for you. :D Oh then lets add, dark roads, all alone with no phone, and how about some deafness so you can't hear the big bad sneak up on you ? Yep, it is in the book. Holy Burnt Toast, this author had me cringing in fearful delight. He warns you, kind of him right ? He tells you that there is no HEA, no wrap up that you will be left hanging on for the nest installment. I know, he just keeps getting more kind. He understated, my fingernails are stuck in solid rock and I'm hanging off the dang cliff. Bravo Mr. Lorn, you are truly wicked and I want more.