A review by a_h_haga
Medieval Myths & Mysteries by Dorsey Armstrong



Why? Because, sure, it has some new info that I didn't know, but I already knew most of the things mentioned through random encounter and research for books or stuff like that. So I thought that a 3/5 star rating might do it, but then it introduces my own personal feelings in the matter.
The narrator/author felt rather patronizing to me. There were a couple of instances where she said things that felt like a jab at other countries and scientists, like they weren't as good as her because they came from other places. And there were some things where she either forgot or didn't include actual research, and threw in her own thoughts on the subjects - like the history of rats.
And she did throw a round a couple of controversial topics and mentions without actually giving us a reason for WHY she thought history was wrong. Just ''this didn't happen'', and moved on. She hardly ever mentioned actual sources for other than the Arthurian stuff, for which she mentioned her own publication.
And she was repetative.

So maybe I didn't think this was a good book after all, because I know I'll research the things that were new to me more before actually talking about it with others. I just don't trust this book.