A review by helloiammikki
The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky


If you like exploratory scifi, parallel universe theories, multiple pov storytelling, diverse characters, a story where the journey is more important than the end or the start... Oh, and 'aliens'. Then this book might be for you. 

At just under 600 pages, don't expect a whirlwind of constant action and tension, but do expect action and do expect tension. There are some lulls in the pacing here and there, but overall, it kept my interest throughout, and I feel like Tchaikovsky managed an intricate and elaborate story that was wrapped up quite well, which is by far not always the case with stories like these. I didn't understand an iota of the science behind it, so don't quote me on saying it's credible, but to a layperson like me, it all sounded well thought out at least.

This was my first Tchaikovsky, and I will certainly be picking up more of his work.