A review by anniekennedy_reads
Blood and Ruin by Rumer Hale


3.5 ⭐️

This book was surprising, I honestly picked it up because it had a cover that just called to me, I mean it’s gorgeous! But the book itself is pretty good. It’s a quick read and reasonably easy to get through, I managed to read this in one sitting. There’s nothing that stands out massively so far with this book but it’s still a good read

~ The Plot ~
This book seems to be a world building and character introduction book, we have a small side plot that ends up being the entire motive to this book but it’s still entertaining enough.

~ The Characters ~
Kiarra- she’s a strong character, she puts others above herself and her motives are almost never selfish. This poor girl has been through hell and yet will give up her chance to stop it for a girl she just meet. Dumb? Yes? But moving.
Kai- is your typical alpha, can control a room and set anyone straight, he breathes power yet cares very deeply.
Rion- He knows to look deeper, to not jump to conclusions, that someone’s reaction to something may seem cruel or selfish but looks further and sees why they act that way, he’s very observant and has a slight ego. Overall I do like him.
Jax- he’s the goofball of the group, the light hearted one that can brighten any situation.
Luka- seems to be the grounded one, almost the glue in the group, he breaks up fights, stops them before they start and looks after each one of his group.
Axel- is he my favourite? Yes… Is he an Asshole? Yes… from the first time I meet this character I was pulled it, the colourblind red flags came out and I was enchanted. He’s your typical asshole character, the ‘keep-them-at-a-distance-so-they-don’t-know-how-much-I-care’ type. He’s just enough gruff and just enough soft to balance nicely. And that confession! I have never read one that moved me so much (that could be the Axel vision making it better then it was)

Overall it’s a good starting point, there is a lot of places this series can go and it can either go really well or really flop. I have hope and will be carrying on with the series.