A review by beckiebookworm1974
Sanctuary on Fire by Nikita Slater


This is the second book in the series and I definitely enjoyed it. This picks up directly after that shocker of a finale and here we get the aftermath of Taran’s bite and Diogo’s struggle to allow his wife out of his sight or unprotected especially with all that went down previously.
Diogo is still willing to remove anyone or thing he believes a threat to his little bird even if it means withholding vital information from her for her own well-being.
In fact, I think he’s become even more intense in regards to Taran and his need to own every part of her soul.

There’s a lot going on with this one and we get to spend some time away from the sanctuary and also experience some more intense action with the primitives.
New players are also introduced and there are escalating concerns within the city the rebels are becoming more problematic and causing chaos and theirs also a wider issue concerning other sanctuary city’s. This again ended on another cliffhanger and I can’t wait to find out what is coming next.

One of my favourite parts about this series is how possessive and obsessed Diogo is about his wife.
In his eyes, she hung the moon and I don’t think there’s anything she could do to turn him away from her he’s completely devoted. She is now his reason for everything he does and keeping her safe and alive his ultimate priority.
Taran equally loves her husband right back and even if their views don’t always align he has become everything to her even as she struggles to reconcile her past goals with her new future by his side.
This series has turned out to be amazing and I’m loving everything about it I definitely recommend it if you like dystopian romance it’s a good one.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm