A review by kellijoy
Elevator Pitch by Linwood Barclay


I picked up this book after Stephen King tweeted that it was a must read. It was a tough one to get ahold of from the library (probably because of the recommendation and it just came out)and I eventually just took out the large print. Anyway, on to the book. Linwood Barclay weaves a story based in New York that involves politics, journalism, and quite a bit of death via elevators. It’s a frightening tale that you could see happening in such a vertical city like NY. While the tag line on the front makes it sound like a cheesy read, “when the doors close he’s got you”, it’s not the case at all. About half way through the book the author has you wrapped up in the twists and turns and fully invested in some of the characters lives that when it all comes to a shocking end, you feel like your best friends moved away after a terrible tragedy. Good recommendation Mr. King.