A review by silentcat7135
Stardust by Robert B. Parker


Disappointing. Picked this one up because it was a Robert B. Parker, specifically a Spenser Parker, that went on sale for a couple dollars on Kobo. I've enjoyed Parker a lot in the past, but this one just didn't do it for me. Spenser was okay, but too much Susan (I've never been as enamoured of Susan as the series so obviously is), not enough Hawk, and the client in this one was obnoxious. Sure, she's damaged and has her reasons, but I don't read a Spenser mystery for psychological depth but for the pithy dialogue and tough guys solving problems. It's not even as if the client's psychological damage is explored in any meaningful way but is quite superficially and stereotypically portrayed.

Oh well. Hopefully if another Spenser goes on sale on Kobo, it will be a better one next time.