A review by kymagirl
I'm Engaged to Mothman by Paige Lavoie


Heather (h) and Moth's (H) story continues, taking a leap from the familiar woods into the enchanting fae realm of Eclipsica. The shift to a fantasy setting offered the opportunity to explore Moth's origins, fragmented memories, family dynamics, and the complexities of royal life. The romance between Heather and Moth remains a highlight, offering tender moments and growth amidst the challenges they face. Heather's chronic illness and her struggles with insecurities and anxieties felt relatable and added depth to her character. Her occasionally cringy language did annoy me at times, as did the miscommunication trope between Heather and Moth - I'd hoped by the second book that would be over with. It was an enjoyable continuation of the series, and hopefully things will be better with the next book.