A review by larabesque
Fate of the Fallen by Kel Kade


I bought this book half because of the cover, half because of the premise. It takes the classic trope of the Chosen One and destroys it, leaving the Side Kick to choose what to do next, and I don't know about you, but that sounded like a pretty cool take to me.

Inside you will find a few spins on tropes, dry humor, and friendly banter. It was a fun read, and left off on a high note and has intrigued me enough that I'd love to see what the second book has to offer. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, then this may be a book for you!

However, there were a few things I didn't really care for, and one thing I kind of took issue with. As featured on the cover, you will find Side Kick holding a sack with what you may assume to hold a severed head - and if you guessed that, then you are correct. This severed heads speaks to Side Kick in his head, and while Severed Head can read his thoughts, Side Kick speaks out loud in response to Severed Head. It seems like a cheap way at making humor, and while yes, sometimes it's funny, I still think it's cheap.

I wasn't really interested in the gods. They were both concerned with things happening on the human world and not at the same time, and they just didn't read like well-formed characters. I was pretty bored while reading scenes featuring them.

The pacing wasn't awesome. A lot of things happened fast, and some scenes would go from smooth and casual to SOMEONE ALMOST DYING IN A BATTLE and I'm like wait - when did we move here wh--

Now, the part I took issue with: Side Kick and another character have intimate relations, and it definitely didn't seem consensual at all on Side Kick's part and it was just - it was a mess. The part I take issue with is that it was brushed off as consensual. From reading only the first book, it didn't even seem necessary. It brought no change in anything. Side Kick got fancy new clothes? That was about it. Who knows, maybe it'll have further consequence in the future. It just wasn't good either way.