A review by littlemainelibrarian
Magic on the Line by Devon Monk


Clearly a keeper! :-)

I was so excited to pick up this, the 7th book in the Allie Beckstrom series! As usual it didn't disappoint!

Filled with the hiney kicking, witty commenting, magic slinging, cozy kissing and relationship challenged friends I've come to love hanging out with! Again Ms. Monk has spun a tale that kept me flipping pages for an entire night until I finished the book!

This book throws a whole new twist in the chords of chaos that surround the lives of it's main characters... Allie, Zayvion, Shame and Terric! A twist that had me literally gasping out loud and shouting "NO WAY!!!" much to the consternation of beloved hubbie who was watching TV in the same room. This prompted the usual conversation of, "What's going on in your book?" and my elaborate drawn out expose' that leaves him glassy-eyed, he really needs to read them for himself! LOL! ;-)

This is a series I have thoroughly enjoyed from book one to book seven. I slogged around a bit between books 2-4 but they have gotten progressively better as I learn the subtle ins and outs of my friends personalities.

Unlike many "paranormal" books... those that MUST be filed under romance... more like "paranormal paramours", this has the paranormal elements with a touch of believability! Not really sci-fi or fantasy (although it is paranormal, definitely fantasy! LOL!) it is the believability that keeps me coming back for more! I often think I could be walking down the street and walk right past Allie! ;-)
