A review by nicki_theoverflowingbookcase
Mile High Romance Box Set: Books 1 & 2 by Aria Grace


When it's Right

Shane is trying to find a new life away from his homophobic family in Wyoming. Working for his Aunt he meets Alex and over their love of dogs become more than just friends, but will a secret from his past end the relationship before it can begin? Or will the son he never knew make the two men not only a real couple but an instant family as well? This heart breaking story not only had me hooked from the opening pages, it left me with the need to read more about these wonderful characters. Once again Aria Grace creates true, honest characters that the reader cannot help but feel for. I cannot wait to read more of this series.

When I'm Weak

With a secret in his past, Jamie slides through life as a bartender and as a flamboyantly gay man. With his different personas no one really knows the true Jamie. That is until he meets Reed and the two have an instant attraction. But with a sex crime on his record, Jamie knows he has to stay away from Reed because he is a preschool teacher. But can love conquer everything in his past and can having great friends help clear his name? This story was an emotional one. Being falsely accused and losing everything in your future really made the reader understand why Jamie never let anyone in. It was an amazing journey to read.