A review by loverofromance
Forbidden Promises by Synithia Williams


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

First Impressions
Forbidden Promises is the first book in the Jackson Falls series and this is also my first book read by this author. I saw this one at my library and just had to grab it, the cover was gorgeous and I have been meaning to try out this author. And it also has a bit of a southern soap opera with some family dynamics thrown in the mix. And what we get in this book was so delightful. I was immediately pulled into the story and I knew from the first chapter that it would be one drama-filled ride but an entertaining ride. I really liked the forbidden feel to the romance and the way that there were some big hurdles that the couple would have to overcome. I also liked seeing the way that these two were together and their dynamics were so interesting. I am definitely intrigued by the setting and this family and this won’t be my last Williams romance.

India Robidoux and Travis Strickland have a painful past. They once had a hope for a relationship, but then it was squashed when her sister became pregnant and Travis was duty-bound to marry her. Now they are divorced and Travis and India are back in each other’s proximity as India has come home for a visit and with her brother needing help with a political campaign for Senate, she is determined to help him as much as she can. But what she doesn’t expect, is that in doing so, she would be in such close contact with Travis. The chemistry between them is stronger than ever and she knows that what they had has never gone away, just been suppressed. They make a mutual decision to keep it from her family until the primaries but Travis is a man of honor and hates keeping secrets. But India fears what will happen to her and her family if the truth comes out that she has always loved Travis, and that she may have to make a choice between her family and the man that she loves….

What I Loved
Forbidden Promises was such an interesting story, it does start out a bit slow, but very quickly I was captivated by the story. There was a quick transition in wanting to fight for these characters and what they had together. I also was so intrigued to see where their romance would develop. I do have a weakness for a good forbidden romance and nothing is more forbidden than being in love with your sister’s ex-husband who still wants him. I think out of the pair, Travis is one I adore, because of what a man of integrity he is. I loved that he hated keeping secrets and so it took some time to warm up to India. I struggle with heroines who keep deceptive secrets but her character warmed her way into my heart. I eventually wanted her to fight for herself and what wanted. MY heart broke for her and what happened with her parents. As her father cheated on her mother when she was dying of cancer and is now marrying his long-time mistress and you definitely feel the pain that it does to India and why she is so bitter against her father. And also I loved that she is a violinist (as I am as well and I hardly see them in romance) I really loved her siblings though and I am so interested in seeing what their stories will be. I also have been wanting to pick up more diverse books and I love a well-written black romance, and this had such a level of tender sweetness and I found it so refreshing. The book is so focused on just a fun sexy romance and I can’t wait to explore this author’s writing.

What I Struggled With
I did struggle with India’s character at times, especially in the first half of the story. I just wanted her to get a spine and stand up to her family. And also the beginning is a bit slow at times, which is why I detracted a star from my rating.

The Narration
This narrator ROCKED this book, with how well the accents were done. Sometimes accents can distract me from the story, but its done perfectly in this book and I just want to listen to more of her work because of how well she adapted the story and had it be a book I just couldn’t put down.

Overall View
I found Forbidden Promises to be a heartfelt, stunning romance that quickly held my attention and warmed my heart in such an unforgettable way! Bring on the Jackson Clan!

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