A review by mikekaz
Hosts by F. Paul Wilson


In this extremely enjoyable novel, Wilson continues expanding on the life of Repairman Jack and by extension the Adversary Cycle universe. We pick up on Jack's life about a year after ALL THE RAGE; at the same time though Wilson brings Jack's life into the present. There are small clues dropped throughout the story that point at Jack now living in the 2000s instead of the 1980s. Anyway this story has Jack by an act of weird synchronicity finding his sister who he hasn't talked to in years. The sister pulls Jack into an adventure that ends up tying into previous books and future books.

As is usual for Wilson, he does a fabulous job at writing a story that is engrossing with characters that are interesting and includes enough adventure and suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat. This time the story does not involve Gia or Vicky very much; it would have been nice to see more of them but they didn't fit into the story line. The one thing that I didn't like that much was near the end when Jack has revealed to him that he is an important person in the fight against the Adversary. I know that Wilson is playing into the already written Adversary Cycle finale but it was a bit too contrived; it's like the moment during a movie when you just KNOW that there are going to be lots of sequels. Same thing. It's good because I love his writing and the character. The moment was just over-dramatized.