A review by matiel72
This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada


4.5/5 stars
Overall Thought
Emily Suvada wrote a brilliant dystopian science fiction thriller set in a world where humanity is threatened by a plague, called Hydra, that has people exploding into toxic clouds. I highly recommend this novel because it is a fantastic and absorbing read.
Catarina Agatta is a talented hacker working with a resistance movement against the monolithic Cartaxus Corporation. She is the daughter of the smartest scientist in the country, Dr. Lachlan Agatta, who is working on a solution to the plague. After Dr. Agatta and his assistant, Dax was taken by Cartaxus to work with them two years ago. Before he was taken Dr. Agatta drilled it into Catarina that she must not trust or have anything to do with Cartaxus. However, a Cartaxus soldier, Lieutenant Cole Franklin who now seeks her out, under the radar to inform her of the death of Lachlan and that he succeeded in developing a vaccine. Cole is implanted with the latest technology, including the vaccine, but the codding is beyond Cartaxus and that the only way to save the world is by working together.
Suvada creates an intricate and complex post-apocalyptic world where people can be implanted with technology to recode their DNA, to potentially become whatever they want to be. This technology along with the apps that accompany it explained in clear and concise detail that is understandable. This is an atmospheric and gripping story that you literally cannot stop reading until you reach the climactic ending. There is clearly more to the story and the issues are not well resolved because this is first in what the author said was a coming trilogy. Suvada has wondrously taken the established tropes in science fiction and given them a spin. The narrative is ingenious, has considerable depth and the story is plotted with mastery. The characters pull you by the hand and pull you along on a roller coaster. Catarina is tough, vulnerable, courageous willing to put the interests of the world above her own. The relationship between Catarina and Cole's assumes a fantastic importance and chemistry that neither sees coming. I highly recommend this novel because it is atmospheric and absorbing read that I highly recommend.