A review by tumblingthroughbooks
Twisted Obsession by S. Massery


"I think I found my new religion. Jacob Rhodes’ tongue."

“Because you’re mine in all your forms. Awake, sleeping, with your memory or without it.”

If Jacob isn't the definition of a red flag, I'm not sure what is. His methods are very...not moral, but it doesn't stop me from loving him. (No one can replace Steele as my main man in this series, but Jacob does give him a challenge.) Jacob has been a side character in the other books, but it was great for him to have his own story. He's obsessive, possessive, and a tad bit on the crazy side, but that's how I like my fictional men.

S. Massery is a genius with her plot twists and keeps you on your toes. I can't help but devour these books (I went from 25% to finished in one sitting). This is one of my Roman Empire series, and I will love it until the end of time. Knox is up next; I really want redemption for him. Does he deserve it, eh? I hope he gets a taste of his own medicine.

The spice, oh it was so good. It was one of the main reasons I couldn't put this book down. These guys are like freaking rabbits, but I'm not complaining.