A review by lolasreviews
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Revelations by Lydia Sherrer


Gah this series has me totally hooked! Wow! This book was so good and how lucky am I to start the new year with a 5 star read? Before I finished book 1 I already bought book 2 as I knew I had to continue the series, then as soon as I finished there was only one book I was in the mood for namely book 2. So I started this one right after book 1. I keep thinking about this series and the world even while I am not reading. And my breakfast and break times (which is when I read) seemed to get longer and longer as I was so absorbed in reading and had to finish just one more chapter. I was totally into this book and decided it deserves that rare 5 star rating as it happen so rarely a series catches my attention so completely like this.

Book 1 was really good, but book 2 is even better. And the titles are so fitting. Where book 1 is the beginning and introduces the reader to everyone and the world, this book takes it further and it definitely lives up to it's title revelations. Oh and I just have to say how much I love these covers, even more so now that I am reading these books. There are so many little details that seem a coincidence or random on the cover until you read the book. Almost every detail on the cover refers to something in the book. It's fun to figure it all out when reading and realize what really is on the cover.

Revelations is told in three parts just like book 1. First we have an episode from Lily her point of view, then an interlude from Sebastian his point of view and then another episode from Lily her point of view. And while it might sound like the story would feel fragmented because of that, that is not at all the case. There is a big sense of continuity in the story and each episode builds upon the previous ones and refers to it as well. And there's some really well placed foreshadowing when you look back at the end of this book. It's very well written and kept my attention from start to end.

I already liked Lily and Sebastian in book 1, but I grew even more fond of them here. They are both such interesting characters and I felt like they acted so realistically and believable. And while I would like to say Lily her actions in episode 2 of this book are unrealistic, I can't say that, as it was realistic and in character no matter how much I wish she didn't do what she did. And in some way it was necessary for her as a character and the plot of the book. And we get to learn a bit more about Sebastian as well, while he still is a tad mysterious as well. I just gobble up every piece of information about him that we get.

And there's a great development surrounding Sir Kipling (Lily her cat) in this book that was so much fun. Sir Kip has quickly become one of my favorite characters. There are also things that were kept a secret from Lily and in this book we finally learn why. And the epilogue just left me with all these warm and happy feelings.

Oh and there's this hint of romance and it's one of those deliciously slow building romances that I love. It's totally a side plot and not the focus. But all those tiny hints and gestures are so perfect and I can't wait to see if they become a couple, but at the same as I love a good slow building romance I wouldn't mind waiting another few books before that happens. Gah these two are so perfect together and I love seeing them grow just a bit closer. Although I really wanted to shake some sense in them at some point too as I know these two should be together and I was sad to see them hurting, but that's just a sign of how invested I was in this book and the characters.

I already mentioned the world building in my review of book 1, but I am still going to mention it here again. This world is so well crafted, it feels like every new piece we learn and everything that happens just fits in so nicely within the established rules. Everything makes sense. There is no bending of rules, it all fits neatly into what we already know of the world. I loved learning more about the wizards and some history about them. We get a sense of what else it out there and get to see some glimpses of the other magical beings in this world.

To summarize: I love this series so far! This series caught my attention with book 1 and I just have to read everything that's published in this series before I can put my attention to other books. Revelations was even better than book 1 and the title is so fitting. There are a lot of revelations in this book, some good surprises and things that fell into place. I liked the development surrounding Lily her cat, Sir Kipling. And I enjoy reading about Lily and Sebastian, they are both great characters and I really grown fond of both of them. The characters in this book all act very realistic and believable. There's a hint of romance, in that perfect slow building romance way. I can't wait to see these two as a couple, but at the same time am perfectly content to wait another few books. The world is so masterfully crafted and every new pice we learn falls perfectly into place and it all makes sense. I can't wait for book 3 to be released, but luckily I still have a novella in this series to read first. If you love stories about witches, wizards and magic or enjoy a good urban fantasy with a slow building romance and realistic character I would totally recommend this series.