A review by bianca89279
Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties by Camille Pagán


I'll come out and say it - I requested this novel solely because the title grabbed my attention.

Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties was relatable. Despite that, I couldn't get into it at all.
The heroine, Maggie Harris finds herself in her early fifties divorced, as her dependable husband of nearly thirty years leaves her for a much younger woman. How cliche, right?

The kids are grown up.. Who's Maggie without her partner? Unsurprisingly, she's confused, depressed, and very lonely.

After moping and grieving her relationship, Maggie has to re-discover who she can be, what she wants and so on. She's in a pretty good financial position, so she doesn't have the struggles of other women in a similar position.

There's travelling to Italy, a new romance, ups and downs.
The writing is simple and utilitarian. While it's not fluffy, it's not particularly engaging either. It was actually pretty flat, so I had to force myself to get back to it.

When the story is so familiar, I need something special to keep my interest. I'm afraid this novel didn't quite deliver.

I've received this novel from Lake Union Publishing via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.