A review by ilovebooksalltoowell
Finding Me by Viola Davis


I knew the beautiful Viola Davis from The Help, which is a movie that made a huge impression on me. I had no idea how tough her life has been and the audiobook just blew me away. The strength she has and the drive to make a better life for her and her family are mind blowing. I respect her a lot for describing how her father abused her mother but also that he has had a very hard life himself that he didn’t know how to deal with that and changed later in life. She describes very well what it’s like to try to find acting roles as a black woman when the characters in movies are often made for white people or they want a black woman who looks “interchangeable”. The story makes you feel grateful for all that you have, and realizing that not everybody lives in the same circumstances. Absolutely listen to the audio version, she is brutally honest and I’ll think about her story for a long time now that I’ve finished it.