A review by bookertsfarm
Dust Devils by Jonathan Janz


I really don't know where to start with this review. So much happens in "Dust Devils" and there is so much action, that when finished, I almost felt like I stepped off a rollercoaster - a very scary, very western rollercoaster.

As the book opens we meet Cody and Willet. Cody's wife has just been killed by a gang of traveling actors and Willet's entire family, including his mother, father and grandfather, has been slayed as well. Cody did not plan on teaming up with a young boy but he soon finds out that where he is lacking courage, Willet has no shortage, despite being so young. The two end up working together to track down the killers and stay alive while doing so.

First I have to admit I loved the relationship between Cody and Willet. They worked together so well and it was nice for them both to have someone to help them on their mission. Cody finds himself caring for Willet which soon gives him more purpose than just hunting down his wife's killers. I also really like Marguerite, who appears in the second of three sections of the book. She is a firecracker of a saloon keeper and it doesn't take long for her to catch Cody's eye. But off course, that also puts her dead center in the Devils' sights.

Now I don't think it's any big secret that this book deals with vampires and I must warn you, it is very graphic in places. Of course how can roasting body parts over an open fire and eating them not be graphic? That being said, I didn't find it too over-the-top and it really worked for me in this novel. The action never stops and at times I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

If any of you remember how much I enjoyed "The Suicide Motor Club" by Christopher Buehlman, then you know when I classify this book with that one, it's high praise. "Dust Devils" takes horror, mashes it with an action-packed western, and gives us some of the most vicious vampires I've ran across in a long time. Do yourself a favor and pick this one up!