A review by nina_rod
The Hummingbird by Kati Hiekkapelto


I rather liked it. It’s a book set in Finland, where my mother is from. The main character, Detective Anna Fekete has my maiden name. Anna is a Hungarian, like my father, but Anna is from the Hungarian area of Serbia. Her family immigrated to Finland after the violent break up of Yugoslavia.

The book being a Nordic Noir set in Finland initially drew me to the book. When I read that the characters last name was Fekete, it sealed the deal! And it was currently available to download at the Seattle Library. What luck!

The book is very simple and straightforward. Not the long, convoluted stories of Camilla Lackburg or Ava Larrson. The characters were a bit over the top. Anna Fekete is not a very likable character. I wanted to like her, but really couldn’t justify her choices, And her partner Esko, isn’t great either… a racist, drunk copper. Hopefully, I’ll learn to like them if I’m going to read them again for several more books.

I thought about this book a lot. I even rushed home to finish it, thinking a killer is on the loose on Finland and I just find them. I had no idea who did it. I figured the murders were so unrelated, that it was done to cover up a third murder. Spoiler… instead one of the murders was to cover up the two deaths.

I did know the text messages Anna was getting was a red herring, so I didn’t let that bother me. But the third case… about the Kurdish woman, I thought she would be the third murder. Instead, it was a completely different case and it ended so satisfying! It made me want to continue with the story, in the hopes that Anna Fekete gets her shit together!