A review by bibliocyclist
Schopenhauer: The Great Philosophers by Michael Tanner


It is fortunate enough when something to strive for and desire still remains, so that the game can be kept up of the constant transition from desire to satisfaction, and from that to a fresh desire, the rapid course of which is called happiness, the slow course sorrow, and so that this game may not come to a standstill, showing itself as a fearful, life-destroying boredom, a lifeless longing without a definite object, a deadening languor.

Thus, what are a short postponement of death, a small alleviation of need and want, a deferment of pain, a momentary satisfaction of desire, with the frequent and certain victory of death over them all?

The wish fulfilled is a known delusion.

The present is always inadequate, the future uncertain, and the past irrecoverable.

Our existence is happiest when we perceive it least; from this it follows that it would be better not to have it.

We have art in order that we may not perish of the truth.