A review by nightcolors
Undertow by Andrea Speed


Roan continues to live with this impossible virus. Now with the lion learning how to live in human body and all. The cases he works on and his life keep getting more complicated and sometimes depressing. I loved Undertow as much this time as I did the first time I read it.

The cases and people in Undertow feel less tragic than in Freefall, Shift or Lesser Evils. There are more satisfying bits, like when Roan goes to break up the cat fight club and saves the two cats who were in the pit fighting and the cats start working with Roan. Even when it gets sad, like when Roan couldn't save that lion running around outside who die from getting run over by a car, him sitting with the dying lion, showing how much he cares... These all added up to my loving Undertow more than the last three books in the series. I really liked those books but can't say I loved them like I did this book.