A review by steviaplath
The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch


In theory, this is a great story line. I actually stuck with it for quite awhile. But I just couldn't make myself finish it. The dialogue was strained, like it was trying way too hard to sound like a teenager. You know, cheesy insults and stupid lines usually coming from Hayes or Madison. And I just plain didn't like Alex. She was too busy trying so hard to be different from everyone else. This book fell a little flat for me.

The thing that bothered me was Alex's whining about the environment. She didn't seem to understand the concept of keeping her bratty little hippie opinions to herself. From the minute Hayes pulls up in her Hummer, Alex has to snap at her about it. Did she ask what you thought of her car? No. I can't stand when people provide their opinion when it isn't necessary. She was the worst kind of annoying to me. If she were a student at my school, I would do my best to avoid talking to her. She automatically assumes that Hayes and Madison are bad people because of the society they grew up in and that they're somehow below her because they weren't raised on a commune. I didn't realize smoking and dreading your hair made you better than everyone else. Also, her constant need to point out her weight drove me up the wall. I hate when girls are constantly whinging about their weight and how fat they are. Basically, she contained every quality I cannot stand in a high school girl. She's probably the least likable main character of any story I've ever read.

It also seemed rushed in the important parts and dragged on and on in the parts that were insignificant. The dialogue was strained, using words like 'rad'. It was trying too hard to sound like a group of kids to the point where it was like reading a bunch of adults pretending to be teens.

Basically, every character in this book irritated me except for the adults. It could theoretically be good if it were only written about the older women in the society. Too bad it was focused on the teenagers, who talk like they're straight out of Valley Girl. I could tell anyone who asked all about the plot before I'd even read it. I called the entire drama with Reggie the minute they brought him into the story.

This book had a good start and I was honestly excited to read it but turns out it wasn't even worth finishing. Maybe it'll improve with the sequel, but I definitely will not be reading it.