A review by samwreads
How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia by Mohsin Hamid


Sparse writing, mostly to-the-point events, with poignant glimpses into the psyche and the occasional beautiful turn of phrase.

Second person narrative, employed here, is an interesting device which asks a lot of a reader (theoretically forcing empathy, or incurring alienation if the reader isn't having it). In this particular case I think it was largely successful, but along this line I was thrown by the lack of names for any character. I think it was done to make the story more universal, but it also severs a bit of that empathy that second-person narrative asks. People are pushed back to their roles as brother, mother, father, wife, assistant, pretty girl.

I loved loved loved the final chapter (aside from one pesky word/sentence as pointed out by another reviewer). Indeed, the whole book made me feel the weight of time and the fragility of the body moreso than even some of the heavy wartime novels I've read in the past year. Kudos for that.

Not much else to say. There's a lot of talent on display and I very much enjoyed the brief, powerful punch it delivers.