A review by poetry_drive
Sanctuary by Katie Neptune


Oh buddy- this why-choose alien romance definitely delivered and satisfyingly closed the loop on Pacey, Kylie and Olivia’s stories.

Olivia is a genius and natural leader, great FMC. She’s definitely got some unresolved trauma and self-confidence issues that peak through at random intervals. It wasn’t consistent enough to be super evident, but I do wish it had been consistent either way. For example, either the trauma is with her constantly and affects every decision she makes, or it doesn’t influence her decisions at all. Its random appearance throughout the book pulled me out of the moment and didn’t add any value to significant depth to her character, in my opinion.

I didn’t think I was going to like Emmen (I keep referring to him as Eminem in my head— sorry!!) but he came around and got over his mysophobia, which was completely understandable given his upbringing and planet’s culture. It’s definitely a slow burn but once it hits, it’s fantastic.

I can’t wait for Vi’zen’s story!! I was worried for a second that this would be the end of the Stranded On The Prison Planet series