A review by kaylacreviews
Generation Manifestation by Steven Bereznai, Steven Bereznai


Generation Manifestation by Steven Bereznai was a stimulating, action-packed Young Adult dystopian tale with an empowering heroine and a twisty plot that kept me guessing. Steven Bereznai managed to keep the story flowing at a breakneck pace while still immersing me in Caitlin’s fascinating yet disturbing world. It was refreshing to read a Young Adult novel with clean romance that wasn't overbearing. While I didn’t always agree with Caitlin's decisions, I loved her strength and identified with many of her core struggles. She had a phenomenal character arc. In fact, all of the characters were well-crafted, but one, in particular, stole my heart...and broke it. The fact that comic books played a major part in the story was especially endearing. I can see this novel appealing to a wide audience, including other comic book fans and those seeking a neurodivergent- and LGBTQ-positive read. I would have liked more closure before the end, but all in all, Generation Manifestation was a powerful, heart-racing start to the Gen M series.

(Disclaimer: I received a free digital review copy of this book from the author through Edelweiss+. All opinions in this review are my own and are honest and unbiased.)