A review by amoryslaysvamps
Eclipse by Erin Hunter


This was the best book in this arc!
Between the battles, the typical clan issues, and characters like Sandstorm and Graystripe having big moments, this really reminded me of the forest books.
While I really dislike Sol (he annoys me so much!), I loved this book.
The battle scenes were lengthy and intense, and seeing how each of the three prophecy kits responds differently to the aftermath was interesting.

I also really liked that Lionpaw got to have such dark moments. His training with Tigerstar and Hawkfrost didn't seem to have a payoff for a moment, but when Lionpaw almost killed Crowfeather, I was in shock.

The most emotional scene of this book was by far Graystripe being worried about Millie during her kitting.
The line, "If you have to choose which live to save, save hers", complete with Graystripe being hit with memories of Silverstream dying, gave me chills.
There's not many moments in the Power of Three arc that hit me emotionally, but that was absolutely one of them.