A review by neurodivengeance
Becoming Drusilla: One Life, Two Friends, Three Genders by Richard Beard


I had to stop reading this book: Richard's casual gender policing was getting right on my tits. I understand that that was presumably how he responded at the time, and I hope that his attitude towards Dru's transition became less problematic, but I struggled not to get really cross with him whilst reading it. I think this book might be really useful for people who are new to trans issues, or who know someone who has recently come out to them as transgender - I get that, when you might be unfamiliar with these issues and their attendant etiquettes it's more useful to be given a sympathetic framework in which to explore your feelings rather than be told 'no, that feeling is wrong, this is how you are meant to be responding,' which this book might help facilitate. As a person who is no expert but has familiarity with trans issues and identifies as trans, I did not find Richard's reaction to Dru's transition helpful.