A review by book_hoarding_dragon
Boundary Born by Melissa F. Olson


For the third book in the Boundary Magic series, Lex is having some family problems but not Luther family problems. Nope, her family problems come from the appearance of the biological kind... Also, vampires are being poisoned with belladonna including, Maven, Lex's vampire boss. People are dying mysteriously and animals are losing their minds. What does it all mean? Is it connected? Can Lex trust her new family?

I really enjoyed the latest story with Lex and her friends and family. We got to learn more about her, her biological origins, and boundary magic. I found the plot interesting and like most of Olson books I found the story to be fast-paced. We also get to see a cameo of two characters from the Scarlett Bernard series. I thought that was somewhat of a pleasant surprise.

I also liked that we learned more about Quinn (I would absolutely love to have a Quinn book) and I think he was more present in the book. Though, I thought there wasn't as much bromance with Simon as in previous books (I do have a soft spot for bromances). Though, whenever Lex mentions the special connection between Simon and her, I always cross my fingers and hope that Olson isn't setting up a love triangle between Simon, Quinn, and Lex.

I really like the Lex character and would definitely read (and hope for) future books (and maybe a Quinn book?).