A review by gabmc
The Angels' Share by J.R. Ward


It is so nice to read a romance/family saga/mystery during a pandemic and get totally engulfed in a fictional world. Funny story about this book - I had borrowed it from the library and because I had to come back to Hong Kong much earlier than I anticipated I had to speed read the last few chapters so I could return the book before I left! The story opens with the Bradford family in shock after father William was found dead in the river - an apparent suicide. But things get stranger when Lizzie and her horticulturist partner Greta find a severed finger in the grounds of Easterly - the family estate. The finger bears William's signet ring and is buried in gardens below his wife's window. Now it appears that William has been murdered. As in any good murder mystery, there are no shortage of suspects - anyone from business partners to his own children to maybe even his wife. Lane and Lizzie take charge of the family and the business to try to salvage the company. Prodigal son Max re-appears and Gin and her daughter Amelia have some good conversations. Now I need to read the next book - hopefully I can get an e-copy from the library.