A review by jenni_elyse
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


Wow! Just wow! I had heard Cinder was awesome, but I really didn’t realize how awesome it was until I read it. I loved Cinder, absolutely loved it! It’s definitely a favorite!

Going into this, I had heard that the plot was very predictable. I was worried that would make me not like it. On the contrary, while I figured out the big secret about 40 pages in, it only made me want to keep reading. I wanted to find out how the characters found out. I wanted to find out what this would do to the story if anything. I just wanted to know what happened! I was completely 100% entranced by this story.

I love the concept of this retelling of Cinderella. It love the sci-fi/dystopian feel Marissa Meyer gave to this classic story. It helped bring the story to life and give it new meaning!

I absolutely adored the characters, even Queen Levana, the antagonist. The bad guys are characters you love to hate. I haven’t loved to hate any bad character this much since Professor Umbridge. Cinder was awesome. She was strong yet vulnerable, confident yet shaky, pretty yet damaged. She had a lot of depth to her. And, Prince Kai … oh how I loved Prince Kai. He was awesome as Prince Charming.

My only issue is that I started reading this series before Winter (the final book in the series) is released! I held out for so long! And, I’m sure I’m just going to devour Scarlet and Cress and then I’ll be waiting for Winter until the end of next year! Why did I start reading this now?!

Seriously, I’m so excited to see how this story continues. I can’t wait to read Scarlet. But, I need to exercise some self-restraint so I’m not waiting too long for Winter.