A review by somethingarosie
Life After Life by Raymond A. Moody


Life after Life offers hope, comfort & insight to anyone who chooses to read it. It details the extraordinary stories of individuals who were pronounced clinically dead, yet survived.

In a way, I felt I needed this book. My biggest fear is death and from speaking to other people about this, especially people my own age, I know I don’t ponder death the ‘normal’ amount. If anything can help alleviate my regular feelings of existential dread, I’ll take it.

I’m not one to be easily convinced. I’m not sure I believe everything I’ve read within the pages but rather, have interpreted my own meaning from the stories combined. That being said, Moody makes a compelling and well founded argument while also addressing the counter arguments people may offer. If anything, it has made me less sceptical of the possibility of an afterlife. It has left me hopeful and less terrified of what may or may not lie ahead.

In terms of rating, I thought it would be a solid 4 stars but around the half way mark, the encounters left me in awe and filled with an undeniable sense of hope. I knew then that scoring it anything but 5 stars, would be disingenuous.

One of those books that is going to leave a lasting impact on me.
Every single word of it might be a lie or it could the truest thing I’ve ever read. Either way, I’m all the better for having read it.
