A review by cozyreaderdevan77
Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn


Rating 4/5
Spice 1.5/5
I really enjoyed this book. I think I enjoyed the world-building and plot a lot more than the romance aspect. This is definitely a slow burn for anyone who is wondering. I think for this book it completely worked out! It is definitely giving me From Blood and Ash vibes and I really enjoy that!
I believe the world-building was done very well in this book. There was enough information given to the reader for us to understand, but at the same time still left us with many questions. There is still so much I can’t wait to find out. Of course the main thing is definitely the fae and all things surrounding them. Not to mention, all of the gods and goddesses and how they play a role. I think adding the pieces from the Arthurian tale was very interesting. Even with all those bits taken from the story, it was done in such a way that it wasn’t super obvious or “in your face”.
I throughly enjoyed our main character, Morgan. I think she had a lot of character development in this story, but am afraid she is still too trusting. Of course this could change now in the second book. I understand how naive she is, considering she has been kept in the dark about most things in the world, including the lengths her own brother would go to. He’s truly a deranged man. As for Draven, I super stoked to find out more about him in the second book. It’s crazy that we still know so little about him, but I still love him as a character.
I am excited to pick up the next book in the series. My only fear is that I find myself getting Betrayal type vibes from the ending of this book and that’s always been one of my least liked tropes. I’m definitely willing to give it a chance though!