A review by kidgoldenarm
Hollow World by Michael J. Sullivan


OMG what an amazing book.

"Hollow World" by Michael J. Sullivan is one of the best sci-fi books I have read in ages.

My TLDR review: "Breaking Bad" meets "The Time Machine" meets OMG SO GOOD JUST READ IT ALREADY! Why haven't you read this already? Why are you still readin this? Go out and read it!

I would like to caution all of you readers to avoid as much information about the story elements and the plot as much as possible. The less you know the better it is. Sullivan does a fantastic job of moving you along at quite brisk pace, and has a deft hand at leading you in directions and thought trails that will make you wonder what you're about to step into next. But never does it feel muddy, protracted, or digressive.

He doesn't cheat. Everything you need to know to setup the ending that will blow your mind is laid out in plain sight from the very beginning of the book.

This is a remarkable book that completely transcends many of trappings and preconceptions about your view of genre fiction as well aspects of life itself.

As eagerly as I loved "Words of Radiance" by Brandon Sanderson, and thought that the only book that could top it for my favorite read of the year so far, I'd say Hollow World wins out in my heart.

So unless "Tower Lord" or "Half A King" tops this book, I'm recommending it as the book you need to read this summer!