A review by literatehedgehog
The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove


An incredibly intricate, fascinating world with lands existing side by side geographically, but disjointed across time. Explorers, pirates, fantastic people and creatures (the Lachrima! Eep!), "marks" (read: physically determined castes), maps of memories, and a fast-driving, action-packed plot. That being said, I had difficulty believing the characters, visualizing the overly detailed land and cityscapes, and most of all, ignoring the unnecessary interjections of an unnamed narrator voice (especially telling me how Sophia figures out how she looks "wise beyond her years." Come on.). As a first novel, the imagination behind the world-building and plot sequence is applaudable, but I hope the rest of the trilogy further flesh out the characters and remedy the dialogue.

Also, what was with the description of STATUES everywhere? There must be other ways to represent lost civilizations and describe art collections. And the winks. Way too winks from quite a few different older, male, friendly companions. But that brings me back to the more realistic, well-rounded character descriptions.

In sum, imaginative, exciting, but reserving judgment and excitement for the sequels.