A review by froggebip
Impostor Syndrome by Kathy Wang


I can see how some folks would have been disappointed this wasn't a true thriller. However, as a white dude in software who also liked reading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, I think Impostor Syndrome scratched an itch for "mundane intrigue" and gave me some perspective from the viewpoint of women in this field.

If you fall into that very specific niche, this book might be for you. This novel was engrossing for me, with a fast pace and superb characterization that never once pushed me out of the plot. I find myself wanting to know more about these characters after these events, though the story definitely stands on its own.

There was one tiny plot point that I found nigh impossible to believe, but I suppose worse security vulnerabilities have been blindly ignored in real life, so maybe it's not *that* wild