A review by lunaseassecondaccount
Snakes in Suits: Understanding and Surviving the Psychopaths in Your Office by Robert D. Hare, Paul Babiak


Upfront, I skimmed the last fifty/sixty pages as I've read enough self help books and books about narcissists that I didn't feel what was on offer would be relevant to me.

I enjoyed the beginning two thirds or so of the book. It presented a rather interesting dynamic, about what might cause someone to have, say, psychopathic traits but not wind up in a criminal situation. Although Babiak and Hare use the word 'psychopath' in this manner, I'm a little hesitant to, as the word bastard is so much easier.

Although the short stories presented at the start of the chapters do have a flavour of a Lifetime movie to them, I liked them. They were a little cheesy, sure, but they linked the chapters together and provided an interesting angle.

The writing is easy to understand. A little clinical in parts, sure, and I didn't particularly care for the scientific (not necessarily psychological) analysis. Graphs and the like. And the last few sections, as I stated previously, are presented as a more self help bracket.